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The Best Chicken Names (Funny, Cute, Classic)

Chicken Names

So, you have a new family member - a little chick or chicken. Naming your chooks can be extremely rewarding, making them pets rather than just egg laying machines that roam the coop.

While there are plenty of human names you could use, a creative chicken name brings a bit of fun to the coop. Also, like people, chickens have very unique personalities. So put some thought into finding the right chicken name which suits the individuality of your hen. 

What's more, chickens have fine memories. By calling out their name regularly, they will come running- especially if they think food is waiting.

Below we list some popular chicken names to welcome your new chicken to the family with.

Our favourites:

  • Albert Eggstein
  • Big Bird
  • Big Red
  • Peri-Peri
  • Eggs Benny
  • Marshmallow
  • Fluffy
  • Molly
  • Miss Daisy
  • Snowball

What's your favourite one? Enjoy browsing our mammoth lists of fun, classic and cute Poultry names.

After you're done picking a name for you new feathered friend, don't forget to check out our premium chicken feeders and chicken drinkers, and to get tasty snacks like dried mealworms for them.

Fun Chicken Names

Fun chicken names are created by thinking of someone such as a celebrity, movie star or character and then throwing in a little chook humour. For example, Rocky Cluckboa or Cluckarella. Try involving the children and see what interesting names their bottomless imaginations can come up with for your new hen or rooster.

  • Bradley Coop-er
  • Hen Solo
  • Cluck Vader
  • Princess Lay-a
  • Jaba the hen
  • Big Bird
  • Hilary Fluff
  • Dora the eggs-plorer
  • Bumble Egg
  • Optimeggs Prime
  • Meggatron
  • Egg Nog
  • Chicken little
  • Foghorn
  • Fowler
  • Beaker
  • Henny Penny

Spark your kids imaginations with some of the ideas above and see what magical names they come up with for the backyard flock.

Cute Names

Of course some hens are just so out rightly gorgeous you can't possibly think of anything except a cute, cuddly name for them. Chicks or pellets are so soft and lovable that sometimes a cute name is the best fit.

Below is a list of cuddly cute names for your hens. Once again, ask the kids or grand kids to get involved. This will help to create a very personal relationship for them each time they see their favourite hen.

  • Nala (Lion King)
  • Bella (Twilight)
  • Milo (Milo and Otis)
  • Bon-Bon
  • Cuddles
  • Honeycomb
  • Marshmallow
  • Sweet Pea
  • Snuggles
  • Elsa
  • Bennie
  • Paprika
  • Salsa
  • Daffodil
  • Buttercup
  • Goldie
  • Fluffy
  • Cotton
  • Zazu

Classic Chicken Names

Of course, there are dozens of well known classic chicken names which backyard hens have enjoyed for decades.

  • Arabella
  • Bessie
  • Daisy
  • Annie
  • Charlotte
  • Clarabelle
  • Henrietta
  • Mabel
  • Matilda
  • Tillie
  • Polly
  • Mae
  • Pip
  • Mirabel
  • Delilah
  • Queenie
  • Harriet
  • Maple
  • Dixie
  • Lucky

Names for Bossy Hens

Is your hen a bit sassy, a touch stubborn and high up in your flock's pecking order? She is the boss, and she knows it! We have just the name for her:

  • Attila the Hen
  • Georgina
  • Candy
  • Dolly
  • Star
  • Brittany
  • Regina
  • Nikki

Names for Hens Who Are Amazing Egg Producers

If egg laying were a sport, would your hen get a gold medal? These names are perfect for your layer

  • Egg Nog
  • Muffin
  • Daisy
  • Fatima
  • Isla
  • Maeve
  • Bella
  • Sophie
  • Henny Penny

Cute names for chickens

Teach Your Chicken to Remember Their Name

You may be surprised but chickens recognise their individual chicken names! As they become familiar that you are calling them personally they grow to trust you more when you come into the coop.

Great reasons to name hens:

  • A hen learns to come to you when you use its name. This is of great help to bring them back to the coop safely, it also makes them feel comfortable when you are around.
  • When a chicken is comfortable around you it is far easier to handle them, particularly when you need to pick them up and check for signs of illness or injury.
  • Name calling also allows chickens to feel safe and at ease when the children are around. As such, it makes it easier for kids to feed the hens by hand.

Teach chickens to recognise their names:

  1. Use a simple name for your chicken. A simple name is easier to call out at volume so the hen can hear you and recognise your voice.
  2. Use a bucket or ice cream container and put in some Dried Meal worms. Chooks love Mealworms. Not only are they tasty, they are full of beneficial protein for your chickens diet.
  3. When you are near the chicken, at a slightly raised volume call out her name and shake the container for her to hear.
  4. As the chicken comes close to you, talk calmly to her and give her a reward while still using her name. This establishes the relationship between her name and you calling to her.
  5. Do this daily and you will be amazed how soon she will recognise her name.

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