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Apple Cider Vinegar for Chickens Dosage

How Much Apple Cider Vinegar To Give For Chickens?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a popular addition to the diets of backyard chickens, offering potential benefits like improved digestion, better immune health, and even help in preventing common issues like coccidiosis. However, it’s important to get the dosage and dilution right to avoid harming your flock.

Using the right amount of ACV ensures your chickens stay healthy and happy without risks like burns to their throat or mouth.

→ Buy apple cider vinegar

How Much Apple Cider Vinegar to Give Chickens

The ideal ratio is 5–6 ml of apple cider vinegar per 2 litres of water. This is a safe and effective concentration that chickens can easily drink. Avoid giving them undiluted vinegar, as it can irritate their digestive system.

  • For a 4-litre Dine-A-Chook Lubing Drinker, double the amount and mix 10–12 ml of ACV with 4 litres of water.

How often? Use apple cider vinegar in your chickens’ water 2–3 times per week. Overuse can upset the pH balance in their digestive system, so it’s best not to offer it daily.

How To Dilute Apple Cider Vinegar

Let's get right to it. Follow these easy steps to administer apple cider vinegar safely to your chickens.

Time needed: 5 minutes.

  1. Measure Apple Cider Vinegar

    Decant 5–6 ml of apple cider vinegar into a measuring cup. It is important to double-check your measurement. A medicine cup or measuring spoon gives the most accurate result.

    Measuring spoon for apple cider vinegar for chickens

  2. Mix With Water

    Pour the 5–6 ml of apple cider vinegar into a large mixing jug and top up with 2 litres of water.

  3. Stir Well

    Stir the water and ACV mix well to distribute the vinegar through the water.

  4. Serve Via Your Chicken Drinker

    Add the contents to your chicken drinker. If you have a 4-litre Dine-A-Chook Lubing Drinker, you will need to make up two batches to fill the drinker.

As you can see, it really can't be easier to mix up a batch of healthy ACV water for your chickens.

But here's the best bit! Many backyard chicken keepers rave about apple cider vinegar. They use it to help ward off infection by boosting the immune system. Also, many backyard chicken keepers use it regularly to help prevent coccidiosis.

It is full of minerals and vitamins as well as antibacterial properties. For a small outlay, you have nothing to lose and your chickens have a great deal to gain.

Buy apple cider vinegar

Dosage for apple cider vinegar

Can Chickens Have Too Much Apple Cider Vinegar?

Yes, giving too much ACV or offering it too often can cause problems.

Overuse can lead to:

  • Irritation or burns in the mouth or throat.
  • Upset digestion due to overly acidic water.
  • Disruption of the natural pH balance in their gut.

Stick to the recommended dosage of 5–6 ml per 2 litres of water, 2–3 times a week to avoid these issues.

Where to Buy Apple Cider Vinegar for Chickens

Choose a high-quality, unfiltered ACV for your flock.

If you’re looking for trusted products for your flock, shop Dine-A-Chook’s Apple Cider Vinegar and pair it with our chicken drinkers for easy and safe use.

Happy chicken keeping!

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